In Python, we can use the random module to generate a random floating point number in the range of [0.0, 1.0). Please note that the number thus generated is a pseudo-random number and not a true random number (What is the difference between a true random number and a pseudo-random number?)
A pseudo-random number generator is an algorithm that generates a sequence of random numbers. These random numbers have properties closer to random numbers generated by a true random number generator, but they are not truly random.
A pseudo-random number generator uses a seed value to initialize the pseudo-random generator, and the generated random numbers depend on this seed value. If we use the same seed value more than once, the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers will be generated.
In Python, we can use the random.seed module to seed the pseudo-random number generator. This seed value can be any integer. If no value is given, then the current system time is used as the seed value.
from random import random from random import seed seed(1) number = random() print(number)
The above piece of Python code generates a pseudo-random floating point number in the range of [0.0, 1.0). Please note that the random number thus generated should not be used for cryptographic purposes. We can use the Python secrets module to generate secure random numbers that can be used for cryptographic purposes. (How to generate cryptographically secure random numbers in Python?)