Attackers often install a rootkit to hide the intrusion and continue malicious activities stealthily. A rootkit is a collection of programs that can give attackers administrator-level access to a computer. The term “rootkit” is derived from the two words “root” and “kit.” A rootkit is a set of programs or tools that enables root-level or administrator-level access to a computer, hence the name.
Attackers often use rootkits because they are very difficult to detect and remove. After infecting the system, malware changes system files stealthily. Hence, usual malware detection tools cannot detect the malware, as the system files cannot be relied on. One needs dedicated rootkit removal tools to remove the malware. Rootkit Hunter, or rkhunter, is one such tool.
In this article, we will know :
How to install rkhunter?
How to fill database properties for rkhunter?
How to scan a system with rkhunter?
How to check the log files of rkhunter?
How do we update the rkhunter?