What is creepware?
Creepware is a malware program that gets installed on a device like a laptop, desktop, smartphone, tablet, or other device using IoT (Internet of Things). Then, it uses the device’s accessories, like a microphone and webcam, to spy on the user. Many a time, attackers use creepware to invade the privacy of a victim and record the activities of the victim for the purpose of extorting money or blackmailing.
How does creepware infect a device?
Creepware is a malware program, and it gets installed like many other malware programs.
Attackers may use social engineering techniques to convince a victim to click on a malicious link. The attackers may send an email containing a malicious link or they may send the malware program using some attachments to an email. On clicking on the link or opening the attachment, creepware infects the device.
Creepware may even get installed while installing some interesting-looking malicious software. On downloading software from an untrusted source or while using Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Software like BitTorrent, creepware may infect a device.
Creepware may even infect a device using a drive-by download. (What is a drive-by download?)
How does creepware work?
Creepware uses the malware Remote Access Trojan or RAT. RAT uses a client-server model.
On infecting a device, the Creepware uses the victim’s device as a server and the attacker’s device as a client. Then, it secretly spies on the victim using device accessories like a webcam or a microphone. It may record various activities of the user for malicious purposes.
The purpose of creepware
Attackers may use creepware for various purposes. Some of them are listed below :
Malvertising: Creepware may be used by attackers to spy on a user’s browsing behavior and then use the information to advertise malicious ads to the user.
Voyeurism: Attackers may use creepware to invade the privacy of the victim and secretly record him/her.
Stealing sensitive information: Creepware may be used by the attackers to …