Attackers often steal users’ credit card data and credentials and use them to steal money from the victims. However, stealing money from the victims often increases the chance of getting caught. Victims become aware of the credit card theft, which is easily detected. So, attackers have started using another technique called ATM Jackpotting to steal money from ATM machines. Using this technique, attackers steal cash from the ATM’s cash reserves, which are not tied to any specific bank account. After the theft, the ATM machines run out of cash, and as the money is not tied to any user’s bank account, it becomes difficult to detect the theft.
How does this ATM Jackpotting work, and what should we do to prevent it? Let’s understand that in detail.
In this article, we will discuss the following:
What is ATM Jackpotting?
How does ATM Jackpotting work?
Ploutus Malware and ATM Jackpotting
How to prevent ATM Jackpotting?