Machine Learning Using Python Course For Beginners

The machine learning using Python course is good for beginners who want to learn machine learning. This course discusses how to use the numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn Python libraries for perforing various machine learning tasks like data preprocessing, data visualization, feature selection, model selection, model evaluation, etc. The course also discussed how to solve classification, regression or clustering problems using the sklearn Python library.

Details of Section 2
2.1 What is the pandas Python library?
2.2 How to create a pandas Series?
2.3 How to create a pandas DataFrame?
2.4 How to read a CSV file using the pandas Python library?
2.5 How to read from a TSV file using the pandas Python library?
2.6 How to provide custom headers to a CSV file using the pandas Python library?
2.7 How to see the first and last few rows of a dataset using pandas?
2.8 How to get the summary of a pandas DataFrame?
2.9 How to change the labels for rows and columns of a DataFrame?
2.10 How to select rows of a DataFrame using loc and iloc in pandas?
2.11 How to select rows and columns of a DataFrame using loc and iloc in pandas?
2.12 loc vs. iloc in the Pandas Python library
2.13 How to update a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.14 How to add a row to a pandas DataFrame using Python?
2.15 How to add a column to a pandas DataFrame using Python?
2.16 How to concatenate two pandas DataFrames using Python?
2.17 How to delete a row or column of a DataFrame using Python pandas?
2.18 How to sort a DataFrame using Python pandas?
2.19 How to find the total number of missing values in a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.20 How to drop missing values from a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.21 How to remove duplicate rows from a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.22 How to remove duplicate columns of a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.23 How to convert a pandas Series to a Python list?
2.24 How to find the pairwise correlation coefficients of columns of a pandas DataFrame?
2.25 How to filter rows and columns from a DataFrame using the pandas Python library?
2.26 How to reset the indexes of rows and columns of a DataFrame?
2.27 How to find the unique values of a column in a DataFrame?
2.28 How to find the total number of non-null values of each column in a DataFrame?
2.29 How to find the count of unique records for all the unique values in a column of a DataFrame?
2.30 How to merge multiple DataFrames using the pandas Python library?
2.31 How to add multiple columns in a DataFrame using pandas?
2.32 How to find the percentage of missing values in a DataFrame using pandas?
2.33 How to handle missing numerical data in a dataset using the pandas Python library?
2.34 How to handle missing categorical data in a dataset using the pandas Python library?
2.35 How to discretize or bin numerical values using the pandas Python library?
2.36 How to change the data type of one or more columns of a DataFrame using pandas?

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