What is the Hadamard product in linear algebra?
Let’s say we are given two mxn matrices A and B. The Hadamard product of the matrices A and B will give us another mxn matrix H such that the element of ith row and jth column of H will be the product of the elements of ith row and jth column of A and B.
where Hi,j , Ai,j, and Bi,j are the elements of the ith row and jth column of the matrix H, A, and B, respectively. The Hadamard product is also called the element-wise product, entry-wise product or Schur product.
So, if A and B are two mxn matrices, we can say:
Similarly, we can perform the Hadamard product on vectors. If u and v are two vectors of the same dimension, then the Hadamard product of u and v will be another vector h with the same dimension.