What is the Hardware Security Module (HSM)?
A Hardware Security Module or HSM is a physical computing device that can be used to store and manage secret keys that can be used for authentication or other secure cryptoprocessing like encryption, decryption, digital signatures, etc. An HSM also provides tamper-resistance and tamper-responsiveness. If an attacker tries to tamper the device and steal the secret data, HSM can raise an alert, become inoperable, or even destroy the secret data. An HSM is often used in critical infrastructure such as Public Key Infrastructure, card payment system, SSL/TLS server, etc.
How does HSM work, and where is it used? In this article, we would discuss that in detail.
In this article, we will discuss:
What is the Hardware Security Module (HSM)?
How does the Hardware Security Module (HSM) work?
Where is the Hardware Security Module (HSM) used?