Using the PyCryptodome module in Python, we can export and import DSA keys easily. DSA uses public-key cryptography. Using the DSA key generation algorithm, we can generate a keypair that consists of a private key and a public key. The private key needs to be kept secret while the public key can be shared with others.
After generating the DSA keys, we can use the PyCryptodome module to export the public key and the private key to two files. Later we can import the keys from the files and use them for creating or verifying signatures. Please note that as the private key needs to be kept secret, we would need to use a passphrase while exporting the private key.
Using the PyCryptodome module in Python, we can generate 2048-bit DSA keys using the following lines of code:
from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA keypair = DSA.generate(2048)
The key pair contains private key components. So, when we need to export the private key, we need to export this keypair. The public key can be obtained from the key pair using the following lines of code:
from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA keypair = DSA.generate(2048) public_key = keypair.publickey()
Now, we would export the private key and the public key to two files public_key_dsa.pem and private_key_dsa.pem respectively. Later, we would import the keys from the corresponding files.
from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA keypair = DSA.generate(2048) public_key = keypair.publickey() export_private_key(keypair, 'private_key_dsa.pem') export_public_key(public_key, 'public_key_dsa.pem') keypair = import_private_key('private_key_dsa.pem') public_key = import_public_key('public_key_dsa.pem')
We can export the private key using the following function: