Best Email Encryption Software


Best email encryption software for individuals

If we want to send an encrypted message to anyone, we would need to encrypt it using some secret key and send it across. The recipient would then need to use the same secret key or a different decryption key to be able to decrypt and read the message. If we are using symmetric key encryption to encrypt the message, then the recipient would need to provide the same secret key that we used for encryption. And, if public key encryption is used, then we would encrypt it using public key of the recipient, so that only the recipient can decrypt it using his private key.

So, there are a couple of ways we can send encrypted messages. Each of them has its pros and cons. One can use any of the solutions as per his or her requirements.


1. Using browser plugins and extensions

There are a number of browser plugins and extensions available using which one can send encrypted messages to someone. Most of them use symmetric key encryption and so the recipient would need to know the same secret key using which the email was encrypted.


2. Encrypting emails using PGP or GPG

GPG is Open Source encryption program. It typically uses DSA or RSA to generate a pair of public and private key using which one can send encrypted messages. One can also sign message along with encrypting it, which will guarantee the email is sent by authorised sender only. Using GPG for encrypting emails is very easy and it is very secure.


3. Using self-destructing emails

There are a number of secure webmail providers that enable users to send and receive encrypted messages. Many of them use end-to-end encryption because of which only the sender and the recipient can decrypt and read the message and no one else can, not even the service provider. This option is good provided both the sender and the recipient are using the secure webmail service. Some secure webmail providers though provide the recipient the option to read the message by installing additional software in case the recipient is not using the secure webmail service.


4. Using Secure email services

When a user sends a self-destructing email to a recipient, the email automatically becomes unreadable after a certain length of time as specified by the sender. There are some providers who provide this service.

Now, let’s discuss in details on each of the options and the best service providers.

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