Best Data Masking Tools and Software in 2019


5. IRI FieldShield Data Masking

Features :

  • IRI FieldShield can automatically find sensitive data at source and classify it. It can then encrypt, pseudonymize or redact the sensitive data while preserving its referential integrity.
  • It can mask data from various structured data sources like databases and flat files.
  • IRI FieldShield de-identifies sensitive data and helps in compliances like HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, CIPSEA, DPA, FERPA, GLBA, POPI, etc.
  • It can help to protect data in integrated development environment (IDE).
  • It can also help to mask big data using existing systems without Hadoop, in-memory databases, or appliances.
  • IRI FieldShield can be used for both Static Data Masking and Dynamic Data Masking.
  • It supports Format Preserving Encryption, so that encrypted and masked data looks more real (What is Format Preserving Encryption ?).
  • It also supports cross-table masking rules, hashing and tokenization and XML audit log file.
  • IRI FieldShield supports field-level protections. If there is a breach and a column with a specific decryption key is compromised, the other columns may still be protected.
Price : Please contact IRI sales for information on pricing.


6. CA Test Data Manager

Features :

  • Using CA Test Data Manager, one can generate real looking test data without compromising privacy of data, thus helping in complying with privacy regulations.
  • It can identify Personally Identifiable Information across multiple data sources and display them as per severity level. Test Data Engineers and Compiance Officers can then review and tag the data for further processing.
  • CA Test Data Manager can generate the smallest set of data needed for comprehensive testing.
  • It also helps in creating virtual copies of test data on-demand and can give each tester his own virtual copy of test data with no storage overhead.
Price : Please contact CA Technologies sales for information on pricing.


7. Net2000 Data Masker

Features :

  • Using Net2000 one can substitute, scramble or otherwise obfuscate data in non-production database to create real looking test data.
  • Data Masker usually can mask data with complex data structures. There is a list of pre-defined datasets. But, one can also create user defined datasets and mask it.
  • While masking data in database, it can preserve data relationships between rows in tables, between rows in the same table and internally between columns in the same row.
  • It can also handle data synchronization issues automatically by the addition of configurable masking rules.
  • The Data Masker software is installed on a Windows PC and can operate on both local and remote databases. There are no server side components for Data Masker. It can support Oracle versions 9i, 10g, 11g, 12c, AWS RDS for Oracle and Sql Server versions 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2016 as well as Azure SQL Database and AWS RDS SQL Server.
Price : Please contact Net2000 (now acquired by Redgate Software) sales for information on pricing.

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